Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886)

    Sri Ramakrishna, born in an obscure village not far from Calcutta, became one of the world's most highly revered saints within a few years of his passing away. His message of the harmony of religions, based on his own realizations of the truth of various religious paths, opened the way for a new era of mutual understanding among the world's great religions. His special message was the oneness of existence and the divinity of humankind. He taught that God, or the higher Self, could be realized in this very lifetime through the paths of knowledge, meditation, ecstatic love and selfless service. 

    Swami Vivekananda said of him: "In the presence of the Master I found out that man could be perfect, even in this body. Those lips never cursed any one, never even criticized any one. Those eyes were beyond the possibility of seeing evil, that mind had lost the power of thinking evil. He saw nothing but good. That tremendous purity, that tremendous renunciation is the one secret of spirituality."

Spiritual Quotations of Sri Ramakrishna


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